Reflections on Mahabharata and Its Modern Relevance

I don’t have much knowledge about the Mahabharata compared to the Ramayana. However, watching the movie “Kalki” sparked my interest, especially in the character of Karna. The movie was fabulous, and it explored themes common to many religions, particularly the end times. One scene that resonated with me was how Christians readily accept the virgin birth of Jesus, while atheists and followers of other religions might find it hard to understand. The movie explains this through a scientific lens, suggesting that future generations might struggle to reconcile religious beliefs with scientific explanations.

Our generation might be the last to understand both religious and scientific perspectives. Past generations were more focused on religion, while future generations might lean more towards science. This doesn’t mean that religious beliefs are false if they can’t be scientifically proven; religion and science are interconnected. This applies to all religions, not just Christianity, Hinduism, or Islam. Many mythological stories from Hinduism, Greek, Egyptian traditions, and others could have a basis in reality. For instance, the Bible mentions multiple lords in the Old Testament, which could be interpreted as angels, demons, aliens, or other celestial beings.

Humans often believe they can understand everything, but the truth might be more complex. One scene in the movie that worried me about the future of relationships was when Sumathi asked a girl what is marriage?. This reflects a future where traditional relationships and emotional bonds might be questioned. Despite being raised in a lab, Sumathi was surrounded by people but still lacked understanding of these bonds. This suggests a future disconnection from our emotional experiences.

The movie also drew impressive parallels between the Mahabharata and the future. In the climax, Arjuna and Karna’s battle showcased Arjuna’s pride in his advantages, while Karna’s strength came from his sheer willpower, despite being set back multiple times. Krishna, representing god, supported Arjuna, but Karna fought alone, relying on his inner strength. This portrayal of Karna inspired me to learn more about the Mahabharata and Karna specifically.

Let’s delve into this epic mythology and explore the stories of the Mahabharata, with a special focus on Karna.

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I’m Shalo

Welcome to my blog, where I’ve been sharing entries from my diary, written over the past 18 years have been adapted into blog posts. This isn’t a place for motivational content 😉 instead, it’s a reflection of life’s blend of good and bad moments☺️…Enjoy following my journey! 💛


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